HSMS Music school stands for making music with all your Heart, Mind, Soul and strength and is based on the scripture Ephesians 5:19, "Encourage each another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord."
HSMS Music school stands for making music with all your Heart, Mind, Soul and strength and is based on the scripture Ephesians 5:19, "Encourage each another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord."
To make a change, starting with the future leaders in Haiti through a music education. To see worshipers growing out of this ministry to lead the battle in the good fight.
Let worship transform the heart, soul, mind, and strength of Haiti’s children to lead the next generation.
HSMS Music School is a nonprofit organization started through HSMS Haiti as a small after-school program, but stands now on its own as a school within the HSMS facilities.

We want to connect with people who have a heart for music and understand the power within music. This school was inspired by a vision to see young people using instruments to express their heart and emotions from the inner depths of the soul. Especially in Haiti, where emotions and trauma are brushed under the rug, music can prove to be expressive and healing. To see a child not only learn “how” to play, but learn the importance and the impact of music. We strive to guide our students to follow the rhythm of their soul to be able to freely worship our Heavenly Father. The power of music has no limits. Music can reach places, where people, words, and actions can’t. HSMS Haiti Music School wants to provide an excellent academic experience that is centered on a heart of worship. We want the children to be able to come alive through music and meet God right where they are at. Our biggest goal is to see the anointing of God in their music that will touch people’s hearts as they sing for His glory. Worship is a ministry on its own.

The Music School developed in Fall 2018 and offers theoretical classes, worship classes, music craft classes, singing classes, piano classes, guitar classes, and drum classes. The children can choose their instrument and will learn how to master it.

The music school has currently 24 student. We have two-hour classes 3 times a week. The music school costs $10 a month per child, but that doesn’t cover the expenses for the music school at all. We keep the price low, because we want it to be accessible and payable for each parent. There’s a staff of 6 music teachers. The music teachers get money for transportation and a small stipend. Until now, the founder has been personally supporting the music school because of her heart for the ministry, but due to the growth, we are opening up to anybody who has a heart for this specific ministry to help support this amazing ministry and share in the blessings.
Delilah Dana Degryse is the Founder of HSMS Haiti Music School. Since 2017, she has been involved with HSMS Haiti. Dana decided to dedicate herself to this ministry and moved to Haiti in August 2018. Her main ministry is educating kids, academic wise and in the walk with God and teaching music.
Dana's Connection to Haiti
Dana was born in Haiti, but adoption took her to Belgium, where she grew up and spent most of her life. 25 years after leaving Haiti, God sent Dana back to serve in her birth country for His name sake. Many would ask, "why Haiti? Why this ministry?" Haiti is the calling God put on her life for this moment. After many years of questioning herself of why she was put up for adoption, she finally realized it was His plan all the way. Getting Dana out of Haiti was in preparation to be sent back and pour out to this community. In 2013, Dana went back to Haiti for the first time since the adoption, just to check out where she came from and to visit her biological family. Since then, Dana kept going back once a year to stay in touch with Haiti. In 2014, Dana met Lindsay who is now the founder and Executive Director of HSMS Haiti. In 2017, God spoke very clearly saying, "it’s time to go back and serve your people in Haiti for my glory." Dana has always believed that God has been so faithful to her, so she trusted Him when He lead her to HSMS Haiti, where she became a part of HSMS and started the HSMS Music School.
Please Note: All parents are asked to have a small buy-in for their child's education. This keeps them responsible and committed to the program. However, what we ask of the parents by no means covers the true expenses of this quality music education. We are offering these sponsorship opportunities to supplement the extra music expenses.
Please Note: All parents are asked to have a small buy-in for their child's education. This keeps them responsible and committed to the program. However, what we ask of the parents by no means covers the true expenses of this quality music education. We are offering these sponsorship opportunities to supplement the extra music expenses.
You can sign up for donations or monthly support of this Music Ministry by clicking on the Donate button.
If you want to stay updated, please fill out the form below for monthly updates and prayer requests.


1812 N. Detroit St
Warsaw, IN
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